Thursday, August 26, 2010

Something fishy is happening in PPR!!!

"I learnt that fish can be grown in a fish farm". Mya
"I learnt that some fish poisonous." Sebastian
"I didn't know there was a type of fish called snapper". Toby
"The fish was yummy". Ella St John
"I learnt that when you make sushi you use raw fish". Lucas

Friday, August 20, 2010

The (alternative) zoo walkathon!

Unfortunately our trip to the zoo to participate in the walkathon today had to be cancelled due to bad weather. But we didn't let that stop us!!! ........all the children in Prep participated in a mini-walkathon around AIS, collecting stamps at checkpoints and spotting animal pictures along the way.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inquiring into .....apples!

The children in PPR have been learning about how apples grow and get processed.


"I didn't know that you squeeze apples to make apple juice" Ella S
"I learnt that you can make muffins with apples in them." Max
" I learnt that you can use apples to make apple cider vinegar". Dylan
"I found out that if apples get banged around they get bruises." Toby
"I learnt that apples get put into boxes before they go to the shop." Tom

Some of our mums came in to help us in our groups. They helped us to: make apple muffins; learn about halves and quarters; sequence the process of apples getting from farm to table, and helped us to practise reading a script for 'The Little Red Hen' play.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Making bread

This week we have made bread. We used flour, butter, salt and sugar. We also used yeast to make it grow bigger. We kneaded the dough and left it to prove. Then we baked it in the oven.


"I didn't know that you use sugar and salt to make bread." Ashani

"I learnt that you use yeast to make the dough grow bigger". Ella R

" I didn't know that bread needs to be baked". Tom

" I learnt that flour is made from wheat". Kelly

" I learnt that bread has to go on a truck from the factory to the shop". Toby

We read different recipe books to find the contents page, list of ingredients and how to make different foods.
We also put the sequence of steps for wheat going from the farm to the table by putting pictures in a flowchart.

..........and had lots of fun dancing during our Gross Motor lesson on Friday! (watch the video below).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where does bread come from?

This week in PPR we will be investigating how bread is made. Have a look at the website we will be using at school:

Grain Chain

Monday, August 9, 2010

Who are we?

PPR is a class of 22 children in Preparatory attending the Australian International School , Singapore. Here we are with Mrs Press and Miss Michelle:

PPR's first blog

Welcome to PPR's very first blog! I hope this will be a convenient way for us to share what has been happening in PPR recently.