Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Teddy discos, dancing and more!!!!

This week we have investigated different ways to move, invented dance moves and used our class stage for some groovy moves! The highlight has been ‘meeting’ the Village People (via You Tube!) and doing the YMCA dance. We have also learnt about Divali and watched Indian dancing, listened to Indian music, invented our own dance moves and written instructions for the moves. In numeracy we have solved the problem of teddies at a disco needing to share a stage and made symmetrical rangoli patterns for Divali! We also met our new buddies from pre-school and watched the teachers have a pretend Melbourne Cup horse race around the oval. The photos show some of our dance moves and our new buddies from Echidna class.
This is what the children said were their favourite things this week:
" I liked listening to music during News. My favourite song was 'Mamma Mia' " (Ella St John)
"I liked making symmetrical rangoli patterns" (Mya)
"I liked solving teddy disco problems" (Freya)
"I liked meeting the echidnas. My buddy's name is Joseph" (Lucas)
"I liked watching Mrs Press and Miss Michelle dress up as horses for the Melbourne cup race" (Ella Rokic)
"I liked Mrs Press dressed up as a horse" (Dylan)

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